Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Agreement for Protco Technologies Pvt Ltd

Effective Date: 12/11/2023

Update Date:12/11/2023

  1. Introduction

Welcome to Protco Technologies Pvt Ltd (“Protco,” “we,” “our,” or “us”). We are a pioneering entity in the realm of Internet of Things as a Service (IoTaaS) solutions. Our commitment to upholding your privacy rights and ensuring the utmost security of your personal information is unwavering. This Privacy Policy delineates the meticulous processes by which we gather, employ, disclose, and protect your data when you engage with our services. By availing of our services, you manifest your consent to adhere to the practices delineated within this Privacy Policy.

  1. Information We Collect

Our information collection endeavours encompass a spectrum of data types, such as:

Personal Information: This category encompasses an array of particulars, inclusive of your name, email address, contact information, and any other data furnished while initiating an account or interacting with our services.

Device Information: We amass device-related insights, encompassing device classification, operating systems, and distinct device identifiers, augmenting our ability to optimise service provisions.

Location Information: With your explicit assent, we may acquire approximate location details through mechanisms such as IP addresses or geolocation data

  1. How We Use Your Information

The integration of your data is pivotal for a multitude of core purposes, including:

Service Provision: Your data serves as the bedrock for delivering, perpetuating, and refining our services, ensuring the seamless sustenance of your engagement.

Personalization: Leveraging the insights garnered from your data, we tailor services and content to resonate with your proclivities, thereby elevating your user experience.

Communication: Engaging with you through multifarious channels, encompassing inquiries, customer support interactions, and dissemination of pivotal notices and updates.

Promotional Endeavours: We may furnish you with promotional materials and information pertaining to Protco’s services, facilitating informed engagement with our evolving offerings.

  1. Information Sharing and Disclosure

We hold in reverence the sanctity of your privacy and undertake a solemn commitment to not vend your personal information to external entities. However, scenarios that necessitate data sharing include:

Trusted Partners: Collaboration with verified service providers aids in the seamless delivery and augmentation of our services, culminating in an enriched user experience.

Legal Imperatives: The divulgation of your data may be requisite to align with legal obligations or in response to bona fide requisitions issued by governmental or legal authorities.

Business Transmutations: In scenarios such as mergers, acquisitions, or divestitures of assets, your data might be transferred as part of these transitions, ensuring continued service provision.

  1. Data Security

Safeguarding your information ranks paramount on our agenda, necessitating the deployment of industry-standard measures to thwart unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or annihilation. It is imperative to recognize, however, that while we diligently pursue robust security protocols, no method of data transmission or storage can lay claim to absolute invulnerability.

  1. Your Choices

You, as the custodian of your data, wield the prerogative over several key aspects:

Access and Control: Your access to, modification of, or deletion of personal information is well within your grasp, facilitated by account access or direct communication.

Communication Preferences: Tailoring your communication preferences is at your discretion, including the ability to opt-out of specific communication categories.

Indispensable Notices: Essential communications integral to service delivery and compliance may be exempt from opt-out provisions.

  1. Children’s Privacy

Protco’s services are meticulously curated for users aged 13 and above, with stringent measures in place to avoid the inadvertent collection of personal information from individuals under the age of 13. Should you possess reason to believe that a minor has inadvertently provided us with their information, prompt notification enables us to expeditiously address the situation.

  1. Changes to this Privacy Policy

Evolution is intrinsic to our operations, which extends to our Privacy Policy. Periodic updates reflect changes in our modus operandi and legal stipulations. Should these updates be substantive, they will be communicated through our website or other pertinent channels. By continuing to avail our services following such updates, you unequivocally signal your acceptance of the revised policy terms.

  1. Contact Us

Queries, concerns, or requests related to this Privacy Policy or your personal information are met with prompt responsiveness. Reach out to us at contact email for further clarification or assistance.

Your engagement with Protco’s services attests to your profound understanding of this Privacy Policy, coupled with your explicit concurrence with its provisions. Upholding your privacy and fostering trust forms the bedrock of our operational ethos, and we ardently stand by these principles.